Alice Smith School

British International School in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Alice Smith School

British International School in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

How to support students exploring US university applications without having to invest in a full-time US University Advisor?

Millie Guidance Coaches delivered completely tailored US university roadmaps to students, crafting this offering around the existing provision at the school. This included:

  1. Initial briefing with school counselor to go over key points and student profiles
  2. One-on-one meetings between students who indicated interest in the US and Millie Guidance Coaches
  3. Detailed reports created specifically for each student
  4. Debrief session with school counselor to ensure an effective handover from Millie to the school

Within a month from the start, students were able to get feedback on the initial US university lists, build strategies to bridge their A Level choices to US colleges, and get specific critiquing on their college essays.

To view the full case study, click here.